Learning about humanity through story gathering and inspiring a brighter and kinder world through documentary film and photography.


Stories are our gateway to understanding and experiencing the world and the people around us. We shape our ideas through our own experiences and the experiences of those we connect with.

Through the language of storytelling we can bring together people from all walks of life, cultures and origins, with a shared vision to build a kinder, greener and more inclusive society.


Photographs are authentic, accessible and shareable. They open a door to others’ experiences that are visually distinct, yet emotionally familiar. They shine a light on the causes we care about and evoke us to make positive systemic change.


Video sparks ideas and feelings through the connections we forge with storytellers. Whether we are curious, empathetic or inspired, videos are a powerful tool to raise awareness of the causes we care about and facilitate the meaningful conversations needed to drive social change.



raised through creative fundraising and marketing campaigns powered by our co-produced stories, film and photography. Supporting and raising awareness of good causes such as:

Inclusion for disabled children in schools, medical supplies for communities displaced by war, waterways protection and restoration, maternal health facilities, prosecuting human rights violations, climate change solutions, primate conservation, access to water, hygiene and sanitation, peace building and many more.


Hello, I’m Adam! I work collaboratively and cross-culturally with storytellers. Together we create documentary film and photography content for civil society and governments, that resonates with target audiences and delivers impact through authentic and hopeful storytelling. Stories that raise awareness, unite us and inspire a kinder, greener, more inclusive future for all.

Let’s make an impact together:


  • +44 7889 296632

  • I live and work semi-nomadically, currently based in Kenya.


I’m committed to producing content that adopts the highest standards in ethical storytelling. Championing and adopting a collaborative and autonomous storytelling model that ensures the creative development and execution of projects are inclusive, balanced and shared equitably between creators and storytellers. All of the content that’s co-created is done so with the consent and encouragement of all participants. In my view, the role of ethical documentary film making and photography is to unite people with common cause, repair the rifts in our societies, and create a diverse and harmonious community where all non-harmful ideas, beliefs, cultures and ways of life are embraced. Thus, all productions will strive to promote kindness, integrity, peace, equality and justice, will never seek to polarise, exploit or alienate, and will be produced sustainably and sensitively, in accordance with the local cultures, customs and laws.